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Various risks of complications in pregnancy, twins
Jakarta, the Twin Pregnancy could be a blissful thing for prospective parents. Although, there are a variety of risks that must be anticipated by the fathers and mothers. Disclosed Dr. Gumilar Erza SpOG Khanisyah of the PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL Dr. Sutomo Surabaya, twin pregnancy risk one is preeklampsia. On a twin pregnancy, the uterus is filled by more than one baby in which infants share space in the womb. Let alone right while pregnant uterus enlarges. In people who get pregnant one baby, that's all he's got a risk preeklampsia. Especially if it contains two children, will increase the risks, said Dr. Erza when talking with. Then, there is a risk when the baby gets larger, two babies in the womb can cause a sign of labor. So, it can happen the risk prematuritas. So, says Dr. Erza numbers prematuritas on baby twins is relatively more common. Dr. Erza added, twin pregnancy also increases the risk of Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or stunted fetal growth. Why? Yes for example ketubannya only 1 for two infants, and plasentanya also be one, could have been that fetal growth is stunted risk greater than one baby while pregnant, she had one of her own placenta and amniotic, said Dr. Erza. Read also: define si Brother and Sister on the Baby KembarSementara, dr Eric Kasmara SpOG from RS Pondok Indah Puri Indah says, on a mother with twin pregnancy for example on first trimester, nausea is experienced is usually better. So, the risk of the mother is dehydrated when excessive vomiting is also greater. In the second trimester, the risk of mothers experiencing anemia (red blood cell levels are lower than normal), gestatitonal of diabetes mellitus (diabetes in pregnancy), or pre-eklampsia (poisoning of pregnancy) is also greater in twin pregnancy. Then on labor, because there are two janinnya, water ketubannya also more, the placenta is larger, then the uterus will be distended at all, said Dr. Eric. In this situation, after the second fetus is born, sometimes can not directly contracting the uterus with either. Whereas, after childbirth, the uterus contracting properly either so that reduced bleeding (blood vessels located between the muscles of the uterus. So, when the uterus contracting properly, the blood vessels will be sandwiched between the muscles of the uterus so that the blood that comes out will be reduced), explains Dr. Eric. Consequently, the risk of bleeding post delivery will be larger and the mother of any risky experience a shock because of the amount of blood lost quite a lot. Plus more when mom already anemic while pregnant, then contraction of the uterus are also less good, because the uterine muscles lack of oxygen (oxygen delivered by the Hemoglobin contained in red blood cells). The problem of anemia is also greater experienced by mother with twin pregnancies, because iron needs when pregnant mothers also increases. Hence, what are the risks to a fetus? According to Dr. Eric, twins fetal umbilical cord there is a risk of mutual wring, namely on baby twins monoamnion-monokorion. When the fetal umbilical cord twisted each other, the intake of nutrients and oxygen is reduced for each fetus. Harm is the growth of the fetus may be hampered, and can even culminate in death of fetus in the womb. Then, there is also a Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), i.e. cases where the Division of the flow of blood in the placenta for both fetuses are not the same. One fetus gets more blood while the other fetal blood supply shortage. The allusion, said Dr. Eric, like a blood transfusion, one blood donor and baby to be a baby again became the recipients as well. That one can be a lot more blood, one a little more. One baby swollen, fleshy, but gemuknya is not normal because the fluid overload. This is not good, because if blood volume increases, the burden of the heart, heart failure can occur, said Dr. Eric. Meanwhile, the twin brother of precisely the shortage of blood to anemic. Dr. Eric says is usually on the case of TTTS, different weight of twins is more than 20 percent. For example, one baby weighing 2.5 kg while his twin brother is only 1.5 kg. In the case of TTTS that is not promptly addressed, could have happened one baby died in the womb or even both. TTTS usually before getting worse, both babies must be removed. Read also: rare! The new bride Is waiting for the birth of Twins Four other twin pregnancy IdentikRisiko for infants namely birth pre-term (less a month), so that the condition of the baby will be premature. Because, on twin pregnancy, uterine contractions can occur earlier or amniotic rupture can be further used to be the case, given the pressure on the mother's womb. In order to avoid complications, Dr. Eric alerting the pregnant women for pregnancy checks on a regular basis. Antenatal care else need to be done more regularly. Don't forget, pregnant women also need to be extra careful in the activity. If there is a complaint, immediately see a doctor. Then, how the matter of food intake? Important the calories would be sure. Later kan fetus gets nutrients through the placenta, if the function of the plasentanya good, nutrition for janinnya any good. If eating a lot for example but it turns its head strap small or no, could have his nutritional pilinan not up to the baby, said Dr. Eric. He asserted, the expectant mother of two twins do not have to eat food for three people. The principle of it is incorrect. Because food consumption, an important 4 5 perfect healthy with calories. Later, the growth of the fetus would be monitored through antenatal care. Principle back to the ANC (antenatal care) and back to a case by case. Later the doctor saw is pretty good growth yet janinnya. But the nutritional needs of pregnant women, single and twinned there is definitely a difference. But the kicker is also mother to eat for three people, firmly Yes Dr. Eric. (rdn/up) jual smart detox di jakarta selatan
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